

Ensuring Ethical Excellence in Research


St. Francis Hospital, Nsambya Research and Ethics Committee is accredited by the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology The St. Francis Hospital Nsambya Research Ethics Committee (SFHN-REC) promotes ethical and scientific research by ensuring that evidence-based patient management solutions are continually generated through research and this positively impacts treatment outcomes in within the hospital, its training schools and post-graduate medical school as well as other settings with similar disease trends. We are dedicated to reviewing and monitoring research studies to ensure they meet the highest ethical standards. The Committee extends its function as the Research Institutional Review Board for the Hospital and affiliated teaching institutions.


Our Mission:

To protect the rights, safety, and dignity of research participants while promoting innovative and ethical research that improves human health and well-being.


Our Services

– Ethical review of research protocols

– Monitoring of ongoing research studies

– Training and education on research ethics

– Consultation on ethical issues in research



– Ensures compliance with national research ethics guidelines

– Protects research participants from harm or exploitation

– Promotes transparency and accountability in research

– Enhances the credibility and integrity of research findings


Meet Our Team

Our Research Ethics Committee (REC) is composed of 13 experienced professionals dedicated members from various fields including medicine, ethics, law, agriculture and social sciences.

They  are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in research. We strive to ensure that all research conducted complies with the principles of integrity, respect, and responsibility.

The REC convenes for a monthly meeting during the second week of each month to meticulously review and evaluate research proposals, ensuring they meet ethical guidelines and standards. Our rigorous review process is designed to safeguard the rights, safety, and well-being of all research participants. This is purposed to secure REC approvals in both the local and foreign organization prior to registration of the study by UNCST.


Contact Us:

To learn more about our REC or to submit a research protocol for review, please contact us at +256771892561 /+256700410349.


At St. Francis Hospital Nsambya, we take great pride in our commitment to ethical research practices, and our REC plays a vital role in upholding this commitment. Researchers have relied and continue to rely on our committee for thoughtful critical evaluation, constructive feedback, and guidance throughout the research approval and study monitoring process.